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Banning anti-IEBC protests is unconstitutional, Mudavadi warns Nkaissery

ANC leader Musalia Mudavadi says action by Interior CS Joseph Nkaissery with the connivance of the Attorney General Githu Muigai to outlaw the right to demonstrate amounts to an overthrow of the constitution and declaration of martial law.
In a press statement Mudavadi said, “For all practical purposes, the CS has suspended Chapter Four on the Bill of Rights in a blinker of executive authorization to also curtail freedom of association. The remedy in banning is not provided for in any law hence suspicion that Jubilee is intent on governing through unconstitutional edits and introducing military authoritarianism.” According to Mudavadi, this kind of action is unnecessary unless it is admission that executive, legislative and judicial branches of government have failed to function effectively.
Read more at: http://www.standardmedia.co.ke/article/2000204453/mudavadi-banning-anti-iebc-protests-is-unconstitutional

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