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Kericho 'no-go zone' for IEBC demos, MCAs Say

Three Kericho MCAs have welcomed the government's ban on IEBC protests and asked Cord leaders to restrain their supporters.
Cheruiyot Bett (Ainamoi), Kipyegon Koech (Chaik) and Philip Koske (Chemosot) said the county is a "no-go zone" for those advocating the removal of electoral commissioners.
Koske said on Monday that activities which could taint Kericho's image will not be entertained.
Referring back to the 2007/8 post-poll violence, he told the press: "We were branded the aggressors by Kenyans."
Bett told Cord leaders to respect the rule of law by taking their grievances to court or the National Assembly. Koech told Cord supporters in Kericho to remain calm and shun calls from their leaders to participate in the outlawed demonstrations.

The MCAs asked Cord co-principals Raila Odinga, Moses Wetang'ula and Kalonzo Musyoka to be mindful of the ban. Interior CS Joseph Nkaissery said on Tuesday that the protests were banned "to avert further violence, destruction of property, and loss of life".
The Truth Kenya

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