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CORD rejects Uhuru’s proposal to form joint committee on IEBC

The Coalition for Reforms and Democracy (CORD) has rejected the proposal by President Uhuru Kenyatta to form a Joint Select Committee of Parliament to spearhead dialogue on the issues surrounding the IEBC.
CORD’s position now throws President Uhuru’s plan into disarray, coming just hours after Jubilee nominated eleven members to the team to take part in the dialogue process.
CORD leader Raila Odinga says that while the President’s gesture is welcome, it does not cater for opposition’s demand for an out-of-Parliament dialogue process.In his address to the nation on Wednesday, President Kenyatta decided to name his team after consultations with Speakers of the Senate and the National Assembly and religious leaders at State House, Nairobi.
“A Joint Select Committee of both Houses of Parliament will be set up in accordance with Standing Orders of both Houses with keen mandate exclusively limited to the matter of IEBC,” Uhuru had stated.
“We expect that other initiatives by Parliament will harmonize their work within framework of the joint select committee.”
Jubilee had settled on Senators Kiaritu Murungi (Meru), Kipchumba Murkomen (Elgeyo Marakwet), Beatrice Elachi (nominated), Fatuma Dullo (nominated), MPs Cecile Mbarire (Runyenjes), Naomi Shaaban (Taveta), Moses Kuria (Gatundi South), Jimmy Angweyi (Kitutu Chache North) to take part in the dialogue.
Mumias MP Jomo Ben Washiali, Eng. Mohammed Mahmoud, Narok Woman Representative Soipan Tuyak were also named in the team.
CORD has insisted that it would not settled for a parliamentary process on seeking a solution to the IEBC impasse saying the dialogue process should be at the presidency level.
The opposition coalition last week named five legislators to represent it in dialogue over contentious issues including reformation of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC).
The legislators include Siaya Senator James Orengo, his Machakos counterpart Johnson Muthama, Tongaren MP Eseli Simiyu, Suna East MP Junet Mohammed and Mombasa Women Representative Mish


Now, it is not IEBC! CORD should come out clearly on what else they. want. "The dialogue process should be at the presidency level" is arrogant and bullish.

Anonymous MOD

now what do this people want really.talking sense here, is that they want to destabilize the country so that they are seen as really people walking on democracy of which again they dont want to follow the constitution.


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