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President Yoweri Museveni on Monday unveiled a cabinet of 50 ministers among them his wife.
Museveni appointed Janet Kataaha Museveni as minister for education and sports.
President Museveni also retained Major General Kahinda Otafiire as the minister in charge of Justice and Constitutional Affairs.
Former FDC leader and now President of the Opposition Uganda Federal Alliance Betty Kamya is another surprising face on the new cabinet list.
She is the new minister in charge of Kampala, replacing Frank Tumwebaze who has now been moved to ministry of information and national guidance.
Below is the full cabinet list.
Vice President ─ Kiwanuka Edward Ssekandi
  1. Prime Minister ─ Dr Ruhakana Rugunda
  2. First Deputy Prime Minister and Deputy Leader of Government Business in Parliament ─ Gen Moses Ali
  3. Second Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of East African Affairs─ Kirunda Kivenjia
  4. Minister of Education and Sports ─ Museveni Janet Kataaha
  5. Minister of Public Service ─ Muruli Mukasa
  6. Minister of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives ─ Kyambadde Amelia Anne
  7. Minister of Internal Affairs ─ Jeje Odongo
  8. Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries ─ Ssempijja Vincent Bamulangaki
  9. Minister of Finance and Economic Planning ─ Kasaija Matia
  10. Minister of Foreign Affairs─ HON. Kutessa Kahamba Sam
  11. Minister of Health ─ Dr Aceng Jane
  12. Minister of Works and Transport ─ Eng Ntege Azuba
  13. Minister of Lands, Housing and Urban Development ─ Amongi Betty
  14. Minister of Water and Environment─ HON. Cheptoris Sam
  15. Minister of Justice and Constitutional Affairs─ Maj Gen Kahinda Otafiire
  16. Attorney General ─ Byaruhanga William (Advocate)
  17. Minister of Defence and Veteran Affairs─ Mwesige Adolf
  18. Minister of Local Government ─ Butime Tom
  19. Minister for Karamoja Affairs ─ Byabagambi John
  20. Minister of Energy and Minerals ─ Muloni Irene
  21. Minister of Information, ICT and Communications─ Tumwebaze Frank
  22. Minister for Science, Technology and Innovation ─ Dr Tumwesigye Elioda
  23. Minister in Charge of General Duties/Office of the Prime Minister ─ HON. Busingye Mary Karooro Okurut
  24. Minister of Disaster Preparedness and Refugees ─ Onek Hilary
  25. Minister of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities ─ Prof Kamuntu Ephraim
  26. Minister for the Presidency ─ HON. Mbayo Esther Mmbulakubuza
  27. Minister of Security ─ Lt Gen Tumukunde Henry
  28. Minister without Portfolio─ Hajji Nadduli
  29. Minister for Kampala City Authority ─ Kamya Betty
  30. Government Chief Whip - Nankabirwa Sentamu Ruth
  31. Minister of Gender, Labour and Social affairs─ Mukwaya Janat


Practicing nepotism indeed! Shameless dictator!


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